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Welcome to Code Topeka!

Author: lepvcxvx


Welcome to Code Topeka's blog! To make a post, just add a Markdown file (*.md) to /src/pages with the file name as the page's slug. Copy this to the top:

date: "2019-09-01"
title: "Welcome to Code Topeka!"
ghissue: 1
author: "lepvcxvx"

Change the date, title, and author to whatever you want. ghissue is the Github Issue number that you create and contains the comments thread under said Issue. If you don't want to create an issue for comments for you post, take this header out.

For example, click "Add a comment" on this blog post and you'll be taken to a GitHub Issue numbered #1. If you add a reply there, it will be captured through the GitHub API to become a comment on this post's page.

Google "Markdown tutorial" if you need a tutorial for markdown formatting.